10 of wands and 10 of cups combination

10 of wands and 10 of cups Tarot card combination
10 of wands and 10 of cups Tarot card combination

Wow, so you have pulled the 10 of wands and 10 of cups combination in Tarot. What could this possibly mean? As I always say, spread positions will help narrow your choices and give you focus, but read on for some ideas about what these two cards can mean in combination.

The 10’s are about endings and beginnings at the same time. It’s like when the pendulum pauses at the end of the swing before moving back the other way. The 10 of wands can signal the end of projects and when it’s time to scrap things you are spending too much time and effort on. The 10 of cups is indeed, the “happily ever after card” and is a card of emotional fulfilment.

See below for a few bullet points on what these 2 cards might signify in combination:

  • and ending on multiple levels
  • what is ending and what is emerging?
  • spiritual and emotional exhaustion, or on the brink of it
  • spiritual and emotional fulfilment or a little of both
  • what can you do in this weightless state of pause?
  • overwork or doubling down on work
  • will what you are working on really fulfill you?

Things Tarot Cards Say 10 of wands and 10 of cups

10 of wands – If you just push a little harder for a little longer, you will get everything you deserve

10 of cups – What makes you truly happy and do you have it already?

10 of wands – I am the daily grind

10 of cups – I am the vacation that lasts forever

combination of 10 of cups and 10 of wands tarot
Things Tarot cards say 10 of cups and 10 of wands
More things Tarot cards say 10 of wands and 10 of cups

More 10 of Wands Tarot Card Combinations

More 10 of Cups Tarot Card Combinations

