Here’s a short discussion on the 2 of cups meaning using the Gaian Tarot and the Wild Unknown Tarot.

The two of Water from the Gaian Tarot, is better known as the Two of Cups in other decks.
Look at the Two of Water, it’s a lovely card. It’s a woman and her dog in front of a waterfall, and the dog is a white Pyrenees. He’s jumped up on her, you know how dogs sometimes do, and she’s hugging the dog. They’re in front of a waterfall. It’s a very lovely image.
What’s striking to me about this card is that the water is moving. With Cups, obviously the element is water, so we have different depictions of water. Water can be stagnant, it can be nasty swamp water, it can be a lake, it can be moving, like in this picture, a waterfall. It’s a tall waterfall, it’s above the woman’s head, and it’s falling very rapidly. The water has some force, it has some movement. Other depictions of water could be the ocean, it can be in a cup, or in a bottle or glass.
In this card there’s this idea of water moving. The emotions are moving, so that’s usually a positive thing, not always, but if emotions are stuck and stagnant, that’s not a good thing. They could be moving forward in anger, but in this picture, obviously, they’re not moving forward in anger. They’re moving forward in love. The Two of Cups card is often called love. The 2 of cups meaning points to emotional enjoyment and acceptance between 2 people.
It’s a lovely card. The woman also has a tattoo on her chest. It’s a circular symbol, so to me it says that all is one, love and all is one.
As contrast, I have the Wild Unknown Tarot today, and so we have the Two of Cups. It’s simply two cups with two roses crossed over the two cups, two red roses. Very traditional interpretation of the Two of Cups, love, romance, two things coming together, opposites merging into one, all of those kind of ideas.
Usually when you pull this card with people, it talks about good things, about good unions, about good feelings. If it doesn’t, it could be something like there’s two opposites and the question would be, “How can you unite these two opposites?” If you have two very distinct feelings, stay, go, yes, no, how can you get to yes and no, stay and go? How can you merge these two feelings together to create some kind of union and harmony and oneness?
Enjoy your day, and maybe you’ll see a symbol of this card in your day. Maybe you’ll see this card acted out, so be looking for it.