The 2 of wands is that passionate idea from the Ace that you now grab a hold of .
The 2 of cups is often depicted as “love”, 2 people in an emotional exchange.
The 2 of wands is, “Ooh, damn, who is that???”. The 2 of wands catches your eye and you just have to find out more. It’s the flash of passion in someone’s eyes, or maybe your own. It’s the unexpected kiss as you’re turning to leave.
Wands, as a suit, move quickly, like fire. So with the 2, you might get swept up quickly by your passion (or that of another person).
If you have a choice before you, the 2 of wands is the – hell yeah! It’s grabbing the ball and running. The 2 of swords is the – I don’t know yet.
The 2 of wands is bold and engaged, ready to roll.
Where are you bold and engaged and ready to roll?
Need more information about the suit of Wands? Read the Journey of the Wands.