My short blurb for the 7 of wands is: take a position and defend it.
I had no idea how relevant this card would be to my life here in 2024.
Since the year began, I have:
- become very active on 2 HOA boards and the Kennedy 24 Campaign
- been actively settling my father’s estate
- started traveling again
Here’s a summary of how I see this card playing out in my life, my 7 of wands interpretation.
Participating on the HOA boards and Kennedy 24 Campaign both remind me of the Bob Marley song, Get Up Stand Up. The cause may be lost, but I refuse to stay silent and be dominated.
Settling my father’s estate feels like riding on a train that never seems to arrive at a final destination. There are many stops, small victories, but the train keeps a rollin’. I’m bringing in the Chariot, also a 7 card here, which happens to be my year card.
I’ve started traveling again after my father’s prolonged illness and a couple of previous disastrous trips. A super simplified take on the 7 of wands could indicate getting back on the horse.
The horse in my case is travel. I’ve been on 1 trip so far and have 2 others planned.
I hope this short blurb has helped you see how any Tarot card has many facets and levels of interpretations. My goal is to help you ditch the definitions and start living a Tarot stained life.