9 of cups and 5 of pentacles authentic interpretations

9 of cups and 5 of pentacles tarot card combination
9 of cups and 5 of pentacles card combination

The combination of the 9 of cups and the 5 of pentacles in a reading is a both positive and negative. The spread position of these cards should give you a very good idea of how the cards might play out. But, if you need some ideas, see below.

The 9 of cups is a card of dreaming big and having your dreams come true. The 5 of pentacles is often an indication of scarcity mindset, and thinking there is no hope and everything is going to hell in a handbasket. So which is it?

  • feeling hopeful in spite of circumstances
  • enjoying life but fearing it will all go away
  • feeling fulfilled but needing to adjust your finances

Things Tarot Cards Say 9 of cups and 5 of pentacles combination

9 of cups – I’m so happy, oh so happy. I’m so hopeful, oh so hopeful…

5 of pentacles – Not so fast, how do you propose you will pay for all of this?

9 of cups and 5 of pentacles
keyword phrases for 9 of cups and 5 of pentacles

More 9 of Cups Tarot Card Combinations

More 5 of Pentacles Tarot Card Combinations

