The Ace of Swords.
Possible meaning for the Ace of Swords:
- a new idea
- a new perspective or viewpoint
- keep an open mind
- an interesting book, movie, radio show or other media
What new idea or perspective has got your attention?
What are your thoughts around it?
What are you going to do to initiate a new media project?
When we are asked a question, are trying to come up with an idea, or are trying to remember something, we often look up.
Ideas come to us out of the clear blue sky.
Swords are the suit of air, which is mental focus and activity.
There are 3 air signs in astrology: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.
Gemini talks, reads, finds out, tells, weaves a story, collects data etc. Gemini is a media hound. Libra weighs options and considers all sides. Aquarius applies ideas and ideals to the greater good. All of these things are air sign activities and apply to the suit of air in the Tarot.
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