Choosing a Tarot Deck in 3 Simple Steps
Step one to choosing a tarot deck is to choose a deck that calls to you. Go through a bunch of decks, whether online or in a store and see which ones draw you in.
There are a host of decks embracing themes such as : Wiccan, Druids, Fairies, Animals and many many more. Also of note that there are Tarot Decks and Oracle Decks. Tarot decks are 78 cards, and contain the structural elements such as: major arcana, minor arcana, pip cards and court cards. Oracle cards can contain any number of cards and do not adhere to the tarot structure just described above.
Choosing a Tarot deck step 2
Decide if you want descriptive pictures on the number cards (pips) or not. Some decks will illustrate the 8 of wands with 8 wands, and 10 of cups with 10 cups. Other decks, such as the Rider Waite, will depict a small scene. If you are a beginner, choosing a deck with scenes on the pips can be a big help.
Decks without scenes on the minor arcana include the Marseilles and the Vision.
You can browse thousands of tarot decks here.
Choosing a Tarot deck step 3
When you choose your first tarot deck, it’s okay to choose more than one. It might be easier to get a grasp on the symbolism with more than one deck. That way you can compare and contrast the interpretations.

In my opinion, there are no “right” and “wrong” interpretations of the Tarot. There is just Tarot. You will find as you interact with the Tarot, your thoughts, opinions, and interpretations will change over time. You will be intrigued with a particular facet of Tarot for a while and then move on to something else. This is the best way to learn tarot, just follow what intrigues you.