Look what I’ve got for you. A set of free tarot cards.
Starting January 11, 2013, I will be embarking on a new project to create my own deck of Tarot cards.
I will create a card a day for 78 days,
Then I’m going to give them to you for free.
I used to offer a different download of Tarot card images. Explanation of why I no longer do so can be found below.
Free Tarot Card Images
Note, US Games is hassling me about the copyright on the images. From my understanding they are the Pamela Coleman Smith images, and are in the public domain here in the United States.
However, in order to appease US Games, I am no longer offering the PDF download.
What I will offer you is where I got the images in the first place.
Sign up below to get updates on the Tarot Card a Day project
If you’re wanting to learn Tarot, and would like to receive free tarot spreads, tarot reading, tips and lessons and be entered in a drawing for a free reading, then enter your name and e-mail address below:
Thanks for your generosity. I hope I win a reading!
Good luck!