Jupiter Saturn Conjunction 2020

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We astrologers are time keepers.

We keep a close eye on the celestial clock, counting off the days, minutes, hours, seconds–

Watching the seasons ebb and flow

Like winemakers our lives are only a small portion of a greater enterprise.

Jupiter conjunct Saturn on December 21, 2020 is a significant time demarcation, dividing our lives in two.  The great 200 year earth cycle is ending and a 200 year air cycle is beginning.

And I’m Floating in a most peculiar way – Jupiter/Saturn in Air Signs

The Jupiter Saturn cycle is  a 20 year cycle, meaning Jupiter and Saturn meet every 20 years.  This marks a rhythm within the decades.

The cycles occur within one element for 200 + years.  This marks the centuries.

We are now completing a full Jupiter Saturn cycle in the Earth element and beginning a cycle in Air.

If you didn’t get the news flash, the industrial age is over and the information age has begun.

Jupiter Saturn Conjunctions since 1961

Feb 19, 1961 25 Capricorn

December 31, 1980 – 9 Libra

July 24, 1981 – 8 Libra

May 28, 2000 – 22 Taurus

December 21, 2020 – 0 Aquarius

October 31, 2040 – 17 Libra

You will notice a wobble in the elements in 1980 and 1981 with a conjunction in direct and retrograde motion in air.  Starting December 21, 2020, the next 200 years of conjunctions will be in Air signs:  Libra, Gemini, and Aquarius.

I was in High School from 1982 – 1986.  I took typing class. I wasn’t sure that I would need to know how to type, because I wasn’t planning on being a secretary or clerical worker, but I thought it would be a useful skill.

photo by By Tduk – Own work Alex Lozupone, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=11328805

Across from the typing room was a room of computers, with green blinking cursors and very small screens by today’s standards.  I remember peering into the room, wondering what the students in there did with the computers.

I wasn’t oblivious to computers.  My 7th grade science teacher had a PET and let us write simple programs in BASIC for it.  But little did any of us know in the early 80’s that in about another 20 years the information age would be fully spawned and ready to take over the world.

Today I spend 8 hours a day in front of 2 screens and that’s how I make my living.

The conjunctions over 200+ years in earth signs are about building things, mining resources, agriculture, business, government, hard work and practicality.

Moving into air the socio-economic atmosphere will shift toward intellectual and creative expression, innovative ideas, greater emphasis on community improvement and involvement, and dare I say it, more social media.  Now that the world wide web has been created, we will take our connected world into hyperdrive – for better or for worse.

Wheel of Fortune Meets The World

Translated into Tarot, the Jupiter Saturn conjunction in Aquarius relates to The Wheel of Fortune (Jupiter) and The World (Saturn) and The Star (Aquarius).

In Tarot the Wheel of Fortune is about the fickle finger of Fate, and the law of gravity that says what goes up must come down.  The Golden Dawn gave the correspondence of the Wheel of Fortune to Jupiter.

With Jupiter being the largest planet in the solar system and known as the great benefic, it’s easy to see the correspondences with the Wheel of Fortune.  But don’t be fooled, the Wheel of Fortune card does not always guarantee success.  Remember, what goes up must come down.  We are all lashed to the Wheel of Fortune.

I think it’s safe to say with Jupiter in Aquarius for the conjunction with Saturn The Wheel is turning upwards.  For the entirety of 2020 Jupiter was badly placed in Capricorn, the sign of its fall.  Despite it’s best intentions, there was little good that Jupiter was able to dish out.

What’s more, Jupiter as the Wheel of Fortune, had 3 meetings with Pluto, the Death card in 2020.  Talk about hitting bottom!  In 2021, Jupiter will not have to deal with Pluto and in fact will take a brief visit to his home sign of Pisces in the spring.  That’s the Wheel of Fortune on the upswing!

Saturn as the World Card in the Domain of the Star Card

Saturn, who we can depict as the World card makes his home in both Capricorn and Aquarius.  The Tarot card corresponding to Capricorn is the Devil and to Aquarius is the Star.  The environment changes from fear,  deception, and clinging to imagination and inspiration.  Uh yeah, I’ll have me some Star card now, please.

Aquarius is about the future, while Capricorn is about the past.  As Astrobutterfly said in a recent newsletter, Capricorn is the tower and Aquarius is the spider web.  Both involve boundaries, but every part of the spider web is connected to every other part.  

So I’ve brought up the spiderweb.  What are the dangers of the Star Card or Saturn in Aquarius?  Group think.  If you don’t wear a mask, you are killing my grandma.  Sorry to bring up such a triggering image, but I think it serves well.  Are you really thinking for yourself?  Or just following the thought du jour?  I do wear a mask in public, by the way, but that doesn’t mean I don’t question the practice.

With the Star card it is critical to have both a guiding star and an inner calibration.  When something touches the spider web, you will feel it.  Trust your gut.  Trust your intuition before running out to grab whatever landed on the web.  It could be a black widow and you could be her dinner.

When following a guiding star, we don’t have a lot to go on.  Just a point of light, one among many, in a dark sky.  Remember, the Star is pointing us toward our collective future, not trying to sell us on a return to the past where it was safe.  Use your best judgment!  Call in Justice and weigh your options.  

Can you imagine what it was like to use the stars to navigate across the Atlantic ocean in the 1600’s?  Point by point, bit by bit, they made their way across the ocean.  

Another interesting observation is that the World is card 21, the 21 in 2021.  We aren’t done with Saturn yet in 2021 as he/she squares Uranus the planet of innovation and shocking leaps forward 3 times during the year.

In 2020 we had a double dose of Judgement, 20 and another 20.  In 2021 we start to see a creative way forward with the energy of 21 that reduces to a 3, the Empress.

The Star is card 17 which reduces to 8.  Card 8 is either Strength or Justice depending which deck you use.  Going with Justice as card 8 we invite the air energy in via the correspondence with Libra, harkening back to the Jupiter Saturn conjunction in the early 80’s in Libra.

Libra and the Justice card are calling for equanimity going forward, for governments to serve the people and a more equitable distribution of wealth.  These are lofty goals for sure but if we set our compass toward these goals with the Star card, we will at least be heading in the right direction.

Another observation of the Tarot influences for this great conjunction is that there is an emphasis on the feminine.  The World and the Star both depict women.  And the Wheel of Fortune sometimes depicts a woman in charge of the wheel.  In Greek mythology, the Fates, 3 women, spin the wheel of human destiny.

I think for the next 20 years, women, finally, will have more influence on the socio-economic decisions and laws (Justice) put into place.  Bye, bye old white guys!  I’m not going to name any names here, but I think you can think of many an old white guy who has taken a tumble or you wish would, and some of the up and coming women of influence!

Jupiter Conjunct Saturn Tarot Card Readings

So now that we have completed big picture view of the Saturn Jupiter conjunction, what does it mean for you in your humble, personal life.

Glad you asked.

What follows are the “horoscopes” so to speak for each of the numbers 1-9.  You calculate your number by adding the month and day of your birth together and reducing to a number between 1 & 9.  

For example, if you were born June 13, 2001:

Add 6 +13 = 19.  19 is not between 1 and 9 so add 1+9 = 10.  We have to reduce again. 1+0 = 1.  Your number is 1.

Another example:

May 2, 1975.

Add 5 + 2 = 7.  Your number is 7.

The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn is a new beginning for you – the start of a new chapter which will define the next 20 years for you.  So what are you letting go of and what are you starting?  Watch the forecast video to find out what the conjunction is pointing to for you.

