Mastering satisfaction with the King of Cups Tarot card combinations. Scroll down to the table of contents to find the exact combination you are looking for.

King of Cups General Meaning
The guy here on the Gaian Tarot deck is out in the bay in a small boat rowing. That’s pretty minimalist. He has the smallest sized craft that he needs to serve his purposes, I’m assuming.
He gains satisfaction through daily contact with the elements. The bay is his home.
In meditation, they talk about dipping the cloth into the dye again and again. Every time this mariner gets into the boat, he is dipping the cloth into the experience of the bay. Some days it’s clear and calm, as in this picture. Sometimes it’s foggy. Sometimes the water is choppy.
This is the message of the King. He is an “old salt”. He is an old soul. He can deal with the water no matter the condition. And he’s smart enough, or experienced enough, not to go out when the bay is black and wicked.
He doesn’t know he is a minimalist. He’s just been living his life at it’s essence, and over time, this is what he’s left with: a small boat, himself, and the Bay.
What do you really need to be happy?
King of Cups and Major Arcana Tarot Card Combinations
The Fool | The Hermit | The Moon |
The Magician | The Wheel of Fortune | The Sun |
The High Priestess | Justice | Judgement |
The Empress | The Hanged Man | The World |
The Emperor | Death | |
The Hierophant | Temperance | |
The Lovers | The Devil | |
The Chariot | The Tower | |
Strength | The Star |
King of Cups and Wands Tarot Card Combinations
Ace of wands | 6 of wands | Page of Wands |
2 of wands | 7 of wands | Knight of Wands |
3 of wands | 8 of wands | Queen of Wands |
4 of wands | 9 of wands | King of Wands |
5 of wands | 10 of wands |
King of Cups and Cups Tarot Card Combinations
Ace of cups | 6 of cups | Page of cups |
2 of cups | 7 of cups | Knight of cups |
3 of cups | 8 of cups | Queen of cups |
4 of cups | 9 of cups | King of cups |
5 of cups | 10 of cups |
King of Cups and Swords Tarot Card Combinations
Ace of swords | 6 of swords | Page of swords |
2 of swords | 7 of swords | Knight of swords |
3 of swords | 8 of swords | Queen of swords |
4 of swords | 9 of swords | King of swords |
5 of swords | 10 of swords |
King of Cups and Pentacles Tarot Card Combinations
Ace of pentacles | 6 of pentacles | Page of pentacles |
2 of pentacles | 7 of pentacles | Knight of pentacles |
3 of pentacles | 8 of pentacles | Queen of pentacles |
4 of pentacles | 9 of pentacles | King of pentacles |
5 of pentacles | 10 of pentacles |
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