Remember writing out your spelling words 25 times each?
If you want to learn Tarot, drawing the cards (as in with a pencil) is a great way to do it. Writing things out long hand makes them stick in your brain. The same goes for sketching them out.
As you can see from my example above, the point is not to make breathtaking art. The point is to pick out the key elements of each card and put them down on paper.
Think you can’t do it? Check out the stick figure Tarot.
Some guidelines for this Tarot drawing challenge:
- the objective is to do it, and do it quickly.
- it’s perfectly fine to limit this exercise to the major arcana, in fact I think it’s preferable.
- if you use color, use no more than 3
- give your self a time limit – draw all 22 major arcana in 45 minutes. This is totally doable.
Now that you are finished, what insights did you gain?
I gave myself a similar challenge when I created the Evolutionary Options open source Tarot deck. I created a card a day from January through March until I was finished.
What the creative commons is about is non-copyrighted material that’s free to share and build upon.
The images are from the creative commons, which gave me the ability to move that fast. And since they are from the creative commons, I released them back into the creative commons.
So have at it, draw a set of Tarot cards and post a link in the comments. I’d love to see what you come up with.
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