On the lovely TV series 30 Rock, character Tracy Jordan is a loose cannon to say the least. In one episode he discovers that he can cuss a blue streak on TV simply by paying fines for the offense.
When advertisers drop their ads, he simply buys the ad space. Problem solved.
Silence the Censor
In order to learn Tarot you will need to learn to silence the censors as well.
The censor is the one who says, “Are you sure you’re right?”.
“Now that’s just silly. That can’t be true.”
“She asked about her boyfriend, why are you talking about work?”
The best way to get past the censor is to talk and keep talking. Don’t give the censor a chance to get a word in edgewise.
I’m not telling you to read like some crazy person spouting a stream of consciousness. You can polish your delivery style later.
What we’re after here is practicing getting around the censor.
So let the diarrhea mouth begin.
How to Learn Tarot Exercise
We shall call this exercise the Tracy Jordan, or ignore the censor. You can do this exercise solo, but it’s better to actually read for someone so you can get feedback.
Lay out 1-5 cards, whatever number for you is comfortable but not overwhelming. The cards can be in relation to a question or not.
Get out a recording device.
Set a timer for 3 minutes.
Start talking and don’t stop until the timer goes off.
Say whatever comes into your mind.
Don’t worry about making sense.
Don’t worry about jumping around.
Just talk.
If personal memories are sparked, speak about them.
If a card reminds you of someone, talk about them.
If a card reminds you of a place, speak about it.
What did you learn?
This is where reading for someone is very valuable. They can let you know which parts of what you said landed and which didn’t. You might be surprised by the feedback.