Do you know the Universe is trying to tell you something, but you can’t quite get the message?

Calling all members of club woo
Are you looking for a way to tap into your intuition as a compass or guide for your life?
Tarot in the Moment e-book is for you!
On your intuitive quest have you turned to Tarot, but you can’t quite get reliable messages from the cards so…
you incessantly look up definitions, but you don’t ever get fluent with the meanings, so…
you think maybe you’re not “gifted” or “meant for this” and then…
you put the cards away for periods of time, but you really feel called to read Tarot, so…
you poke around online, buy some books or maybe take a class or two, but you are puzzled by the mystery of Tarot…
and you can’t break the cycle!
Download a book sample and free worksheet below⬇️
What students are saying
I really like your perspective and approach with curiosity to learning the tarot. It makes learning fun, not drudgery. – Julia M.
The worksheets were amazing. – Ananasthesia
Getting us to see just how tarot suits relate to people we already know is a game changer in this learning process. It makes it much easier to connect certain people with certain cards. – Prosperdaily2
Gimme some free worksheets!⬇️
I wrote this book for you

Hi, I’m Cassandra the Card Reader. I taught myself Tarot in the 1980’s by roaming the aisles of New Age Bookstores and buying Tarot books. Aah, I can still smell the incense.
Reading Tarot was always a passionate obsession for me for many years. I read for myself and sometimes other people. There was always more to discover and learn so I kept on that path for a long time.
Then the path took an interesting turn. In 2013, I created a Tarot deck and released it to the creative commons.
The deck creation was a personal challenge.
I created a card a day for 79 days (including the card back) until the deck was done.
In order to create each card, I was forced to lean heavily on my intuition.
I had to connect to my inner High Priestess and uncover what the cards were saying to me.
My reading ability sky-rocketed after that point.
I connected to my intuition in a way I never had before. Why didn’t anyone teach me this?
I created this book for you, beloved member of club woo, so you too, can sky-rocket your reading ability and finally get the messages the Universe is trying to send you.
Tarot is something anyone can learn – but it’s not simply an intellectual exercise
Unfortunately, most Tarot books and classes treat learning Tarot the same as we treat learning the alphabet.
But memorization is ineffective, as I’m sure you have found out.

Learning Tarot is more like tracking an animal in the wilderness.
Once you learn which tracks belong to which animal, then you have to learn how to follow those tracks to the animal.
Sometimes the trail goes cold.
Sometimes other tracks cross over the tracks you are following and you’re not sure where the animal went from there.
Sometimes the tracks lead to the edge of a river. Now what?
You can now see that memorization is only a small fraction of the skillset needed to read Tarot.
The vast majority of Tarot books don’t address the entire skillset.
Tarot in the Moment does.
Read a Sample of the Book⬇️
Master Tarot With Ease
But it’s not all intuition and woo.
This book is a practical guide and will show you hands on how to “do” a reading.
Tarot in the Moment is a 160 page e-book with dozens of illustrations and over 20 downloadable worksheets.
The book and worksheets are designed to help you step through the Tarot reading process on your own, develop a reliable Tarot practice.
The book will reveal:
- how to get more out of each reading using Tarot structure
- how to master 50% of the deck right off the bat
- how to ask questions that get actionable answers
- what to do if you don’t have a question
- the easiest way to forecast timing in a reading
- the most versatile Tarot spread and 3 approaches to tease out the messages from it
Get a Book Sample⬇️

Let’s Solve Your Tarot Woes!!!
Start with a book sample and worksheet⬇️