We’ve made it to the end of the road with the 10 of wands. Are you burned out or ready for the next challenge?
What happens when the I’m so done energy of the 10 of wands combines with other Tarot cards? Scroll down and find out!
Ten of Wands and Major Arcana Tarot Card Combinations
The Fool | The Hermit | The Moon |
The Magician | The Wheel of Fortune | The Sun |
The High Priestess | Justice | Judgement |
The Empress | The Hanged Man | The World |
The Emperor | Death | |
The Hierophant | Temperance | |
The Lovers | The Devil | |
The Chariot | The Tower | |
Strength | The Star | |
Ten of Wands and Wands Tarot Card Combinations
Ace of wands | 6 of wands | Page of Wands |
2 of wands | 7 of wands | Knight of Wands |
3 of wands | 8 of wands | Queen of Wands |
4 of wands | 9 of wands | King of Wands |
5 of wands | 10 of wands | |
Ten of Wands and Cups Tarot Card Combinations
Ace of cups | 6 of cups | Page of cups |
2 of cups | 7 of cups | Knight of cups |
3 of cups | 8 of cups | Queen of cups |
4 of cups | 9 of cups | King of cups |
5 of cups | 10 of cups | |
Ten of Wands and Swords Tarot Card Combinations
Ace of swords | 6 of swords | Page of swords |
2 of swords | 7 of swords | Knight of swords |
3 of swords | 8 of swords | Queen of swords |
4 of swords | 9 of swords | King of swords |
5 of swords | 10 of swords | |
Ten of Wands and Pentacles Tarot Card Combinations
Ace of pentacles | 6 of pentacles | Page of pentacles |
2 of pentacles | 7 of pentacles | Knight of pentacles |
3 of pentacles | 8 of pentacles | Queen of pentacles |
4 of pentacles | 9 of pentacles | King of pentacles |
5 of pentacles | 10 of pentacles | |
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