Tarot Card Meanings – Wands
Page of wands
This young lad is open to new ideas. He’s got his walking staff and is ready for adventure. He’s ready to meet new people with different faiths and different traditions.
Ace of wands
The ace is the the first vision. This is idea that sends the page off seeking. I wonder…
two of wands
Our young lad hasn’t left yet. He is deciding which way to go. Which do I feel more excitement around. This one or that one?
three of wands
One last look from a bird’s eye view. How can the young lad use the big picture to inform his journey of discovery? What ideas are being combined into new forms?
Here the Knight of Wands takes over. The idea is birthed. Exploration of possibilities is over. It’s time to take the tiger by the tail…
knight of wands
Sagittarian in nature. The Knight has big ideas and he wants to act! He can’t wait to tell you about his big plans, and you can’t help but be inspired by him.
four of wands
Our hero has the idea and the passionate drive behind it. First base camp is set. From here he will begin his journey into new territory. The people he meets in these new lands may love him or hate him. He doesn’t know, but he sure wants to give it a go.
five of wands
He meets a group of lads like himself playing stick ball. He joins in the game. He tells them of his quest and shares his ideas. The lads can’t stop poking and playing with each other. One grabs the other’s hat and runs away. They try such antics with our hero, but he briskly turns and heads on his way.
six of wands
Rolling into town, or riding, as the case may be, our hero again finds a group of people. He tells them of his quest and shares his ideas. This time, his message doesn’t fall on deaf ears. Many of the people hear his ideas and support our hero. Victory.
Here our hero once again changes form. From Evangelist to Guardian…
Queen of wands
The Queen guards her passions quietly. She feels them. She remembers them, every little detail, the color, the feelings, the smells. She will act them out if you ask her.
Seven of wands
People are fickle. They can’t seem to remember what they were so jazzed up about the day before. They challenge our hero. Who do you think you are? And why are you telling us what to do? What makes you think you know so much? Don’t worry. Our hero remembers who he is, remembering every detail, and is able to defend who he is and where he coming from. It will be a challenge to put this thing together.
eight of wands
Our hero hot foots it down the road. What else can he do but pull from his inner strength and ask to be shown the way?
nine of wands
Our hero finds a nice spot. He neatly arranges his project in a pleasing manner. He reviews where his been, who he’s met, what he’s learned. He knows he has something of value to share. He checks in with himself.
ten of wands
Even though our hero is near exhaustion, he gathers up his project, his quest and moves on.
and meets the King of Wands. Meeting the King of Wands is like meeting the Wizard of Oz. Our hero comes to find out, that which he quested was inside himself all along.
king of wands
Passionate, and a man of ideals. The King of Wands talks without preaching. He speaks like a Shakespearean actor, with speech that brushes the cheeks without burning. He is Martin Luther King Jr. He is the beat that gets you out on the dance floor.
strength 8
And here she was the whole time. Our Muse, Strength 8. By journey’s end our hero knows how to find his passion, follow it, endure to the end, and dance like nobody’s watching.
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