George is always hung up about something.
He seems to get stuck in the most absurd situations.
Remember when he wanted to break up with his girlfriend, but ended up (after many episodes) being engaged to be married?
He was
hung up
by the fact that every time he tried to end it, she simply said no. It was if they both had to sign off on it.
How about the time he wanted the nickname “T-bone” at work. So he ordered a T-bone for lunch, but someone else got the name.
George pulled the newly dubbed T-bone aside in the hallway. George adamantly insisted that he, George, was the correct person to carry the name. The person acquiesced, but when George walked in the next meeting, they called him “Coco” after Coco the gorilla.
He was hung up on a name.
This hung up George is a good illustration of the Hanged Man, card number 12.
When we are hung up,we can only see things from one perspective.
We are stuck in the viewpoint that something has to be or should be a particular way.
The only way I will talk to him is if he apologizes first.
We’re caught in a noose on that one. The more we struggle, the tighter the noose gets.
That’s how hunters snare animals. They find their well traveled routes and place a noose or snare right on the path. The animal runs through and it’s caught.
At this point we have 2 options:
- Give up
- Try to see things a new way
Do the opposite
When we’re caught up in something, sometimes the thing to do is back out of it.
Do the opposite.
Turn the screw the other way.
George has tried this tactic himself. One day, he spent a whole day being a contrarian and doing the opposite.
Instead of running from the beautiful woman, he asked her out. And it worked! She agreed.
Turning the world on it’s head can sometimes work magic.
And sometimes it doesn’t .
Sometimes all you can do is wait.
And that is the message of the Hanged Man.
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