3 Card Tarot Spread for Real Estate Questions

So my day job is working as a transaction coordinator for real estate transactions. This gives me the perfect opportunity to hone my skills with the 3 card Tarot spread.

Excuse me while I sing the praises of the 3 card spread for a moment. The 3 card spread is probably both the most known as well as the most versatile spread in Tarot. And, unfortunately probably the most misused spread in Tarot.

Why misused? Because people waste it with body, mind, spirit. What the heck is body, mind, spirit supposed to mean anyway? Why not use it to find out if you’re gonna get the house, or the job or the guy?

What follows is the 3 card spread in action, for real estate transactions. But the beauty is you could do the same spread for how will you get on with the new boss at work, how will the date go, what if I buy that online course etc.

There are 2 parties to any transaction, the buyer and seller. Lay those 2 in any order you like. In the case of how will the date go, one card is you, the other is the person you are going on a date with.

The third card is what is between party 1 and party 2. In the case of real estate this is “the deal” and will show whether it is going to happen or not.

The first step is to look at parties 1 and 2.

  • How strong or determined does each one look?
  • Do they harmonize in any way such as same suit, same number, complementary numbers (even or odd)?
  • Does anything in the card jump out at you?

The next step is to look at card 3, what’s between the 2 parties

  • Does the card present a coming together or resolution?
  • How strong or determined does this card look?
  • Does it harmonize in anyway with cards 1 or 2?

Using this simple approach, you will get a pretty clear answer in most cases. If not, use it as an opportunity to hone your skills. Take a guess, put it out there, and see what happens.

