In the Spring of 2013, I set out to create a digital Tarot deck called the Evolutionary Options Tarot.
This deck would be royalty-free, and copyright free.
Because US Games was trying to lay claim to something that belonged to everyone.
At that time, they were trying to own the right to the Pamela Coleman Smith images used in the Rider Waite Tarot deck.
I found a set of Pamela Coleman Smith images online. The images posted are public domain.
I packaged these up for free download and US Games told me I couldn’t do it.
That whole legal issue has since been cleared up, and US Games is no longer seeking to copyright those images, as far as I know.
Also at that time, US Games was trying to police the internet and control all images from all their decks.
I remember filling out and faxing forms that allowed me to use US Games Tarot deck images on my website and on social media for like 6 months.
It was super annoying.
And quite short sighted on the part of US Games. How many Tarot decks have you bought because you saw them on Instagram or on a card of the day post????
As I write this in 2024, it’s a different online landscape to be sure. My deck is still part of the creative commons and available for free download.
My graphic skills have increased by leaps and bounds.
I’d love to make another deck.
I’ve been playing around with watercolor. I’m not sure where it’s all leading yet.